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Human Instrumentality Project

Neon Genesis Evangelion

The following text is transcribed from the ADV dub of Neon Genesis Evangelion episode 25, and provides a brief summary of the Human Instrumentality Project...

The Complementation of Man Via the Instrumentality Begins

The End of the World

Once again, Shinji Ikari...

Shinji Ikari: What... What feeling is this? I think I've experienced this sensation before... It's as though my physical form was disappearing. It feels... agreeable... As though my existence is spreading itself out to cover the entirety of existence...

This is the beginning of Instrumentality.

That which the people had lost...

...the minds which had disappeared...

...is rushing in to fill the void in the Mind.

The complementation, Instrumentality for the Mind and Soul, begins.

Instrumentality, which will return all things to nothingness...

...has begun.

Gendou Ikari: Incorrect. It is not a return to nothingness. It is merely a return to the state of beginning. It is no less than a return to the primal womb that we lost so long ago. Souls and minds will become one, attaining eternal balance. The final goal is nothing more than that.

Misato Katsuragi: And that's Instrumentality.

Ritsuko Akagi: Yes. There is an emptiness at the very core of our souls. A fundamental incompleteness that has haunted all beings since the very first thought.

This lack causes a void within the mind.

This void is the cause of anxiety and fear.

Ritsuko Akagi: On a primal level, Man has always been aware of the darkness that resides at the core of his mind. We have sought to escape from this void and the fear it causes, as all Man's accomplishments were made in the hope of filling it.

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